Sunday 21 August 2016

Take Me Out to - and Home From - the Ball Game

Watching baseball on TV is a good time, but nothing tops seeing the game from the stands. Driving to and parking at a baseball game, however, can be a real hassle. Instead of taking your car, get a Lyft ride to the game.


Easy Come, Easy Go

Forget about paying for parking and walking a long way to the stadium. Your Lyft ride can drop you off near the entrance. And while your fellow fans leave the stadium early to beat the parking lot traffic, feel free to stick around well past the seventh-inning stretch.

All for One and One for All

If you're headed to the game with a crew, you don't need to take multiple cars. Request a Lyft Plus and you'll arrive together. That means less time searching for your friends in the sea of people wearing baseball hats, and more time enjoying the sights and sounds.

Make It Home

What goes perfectly with baseball? Hot dogs, peanuts, and beer. Lots of beer. With Lyft, there's no need to drive after you've indulged in a few. Your team may not cross home plate, but your Lyft ride will get you home safely.

Get Local Recs

If you're from out of town, you might wonder where to go before the game or what to do when it ends. Your Lyft driver can offer local places to grab something to eat or maybe even stick around to watch the game with you.

There's no crying in baseball, but there can be a few tears when parking at the stadium. Instead, request a Lyft ride to and from the game.


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