Wednesday 24 August 2016

Expensing Rides Just Got Easier

Thousands of business travelers have used business profiles to keep their ride receipts and payment methods organized since we introduced profiles in April. If you're one of those business travelers, our latest update is cause for celebration - all the way to your next cross-town client dinner.

You can now view your business ride history and create custom expense reports. Update your Lyft app to try it out.

Create a Custom Expense Report

Go to Your Ride History Open the main menu in the app and tap 'Ride History'.

Go to Your Ride History
Open the main menu in the app and tap 'Ride History'.

Select Business Rides Tap the 'Business' tab and then 'Export' to select rides for your expense report.

Select Business Rides
Tap the 'Business' tab and then 'Export' to select rides for your expense report.

Send Your Report Your expense report will be sent to your work inbox.

Send Your Report
Your expense report will be sent to your work inbox.

Move Rides to Your Business Ride History

If you forget to use your business profile for a business ride, don't stress! You can move the ride receipt to your business ride history anytime. Just open the ride receipt in your ride history, and tap to change 'Personal' to 'Business'. This will recategorize the ride, but it won't change the payment method used for it.

Don't have a business profile yet?


If your team is interested in adding ridesharing to their business travel program, check out Lyft Mobility Solutions. We'll be introducing a new dashboard with more ridesharing insights this fall, so travel managers can make data-driven ground transportation decisions.

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