Monday 18 April 2016

Meet Elena: Austin Resident, Creative Powerhouse, Lyft Passenger

Austin native Elena is a filmmaker, actress, comedian, and freelance marketing strategist. She has an award-winning web series under her belt and is currently producing a movie. Like other creative professionals, though, she doesn't always know where she'll get her next paycheck. Luckily for Elena, becoming a driver and passenger with ridesharing app Lyft has solved both of these problems - inspiring her to pursue her passion in the city she loves.

Back to Living the Dream

Last year, Elena and her boyfriend Duncan were living the dream: They'd opened their own production company and were producing the second season of a popular web series. Then, the 9-to-5 company where they both worked suddenly downsized, and they both lost their jobs. “Both of our incomes were gone, just like that, and we were in the middle of filming this huge production. We thought, 'we need money, but what company will hire us when we're working twelve hours a day on a film set?'” Elena thought of Lyft, and she and her boyfriend signed up to be drivers. They spent the next few months filming by day and driving by night. For Elena and Duncan, and the 25% of Lyft drivers who own their own business, the opportunity to drive when it suits them is key. “Lyft's flexible schedule was what got us through filming without running out of money,” Elena says.

A Safe Ride Home

Now that her production work is steady, Elena's put her car in the garage, and primarily uses Lyft as a passenger. “Driving anywhere near downtown Austin is impossible - traffic is awful, and finding a parking spot takes forever - so I'll take Lyft, and the bus when I can, instead,” she says. In fact, 60% of Lyft passengers report using their personal vehicles less because of Lyft, which means fewer cars on the road, and, ultimately, less time-wasting traffic.

Being car-free is especially important, she says, for those happy hour meetings. “In the film world, everything is a networking event, and there are usually drinks involved. Austin's busses don't necessarily run through the night, so knowing I always have Lyft as a safe ride home is really important.”

On May 7, voters will decide the future of ridesharing in Austin.

Commit to vote for Prop 1 to keep safe, reliable transportation in our city.


Political advertising paid for by Ridesharing Works for Austin




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