Thursday 22 September 2016

National Voter Registration Day – Make Your Voice Heard

September 27, 2016 is National Voter Registration Day, a cause that's close to our hearts here at Lyft. We believe that communities are stronger when everyone has a voice, which is why we've decided to partner with TurboVote.

TurboVote is a tool that simplifies the voter registration process in all 50 states, and we're encouraging our drivers and passengers nationwide to use TurboVote and make a difference in the communities where they live and work by voting.

Along with numerous other companies and organizations, such as Airbnb, Starbucks, and Spotify, we're making a long term commitment to increase voter registration and participation nationwide as part of the TurboVote Challenge.

We've seen firsthand the difference this can make. Time and time again, the voices of drivers and passengers has been critical in securing the future of ridesharing in their cities and states.

We hope you'll take this opportunity to register to vote, or update your voter registration, ahead of the upcoming election and make your voice heard on November 8th.


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