Friday 20 May 2016

Locked Out: Lyft Saves the Day!

Have you ever had Lyft save the day? Whether it's a bad date, a noisy bar, or an awkward encounter, our drivers can be there right when you need it most.

This was particularly true for San Francisco resident Komal Ahmad, who called for a Lyft, when she realized she had locked herself in a friend's apartment. Luckily, driver Aaron Michael came to the rescue!

“I had no way to get out, and Aaron kindly parked the car and got into the building, up to the top floor, just to let me out. We both wrestled in trying to open the door, and he finally managed to,” says Komal.

“I often call my riders for extra communication to make the process easier. When I was on the phone, Komal explained that she was stuck in her friend's apartment and couldn't get out. To be honest, I didn't have much thought about helping her or not. The only thought I had was about my sloppy parking job, but I decided to leave it and go up to meet her there. I found her 4th floor apartment and I tried to open the door, and the knob fell off,” says Aaron.

After the pair tried just about everything, Komal suggested trying a key that she had for the door one last time.

“It worked! When the door opened, there was a happy, friendly, flustered and exhausted Komal. We hurried back to my car and resumed our journey forward,” says Aaron.

Do you have a great Lyft story? Share it with us at or tag @lyft or #YourLyftStories on Twitter and Instagram.

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