Monday 21 December 2015

Lyft Launches Fuel Rewards for Drivers at Shell

In October, we introduced three new amazing programs for drivers. At our headquarters in San Francisco, hundreds of drivers were on-hand to hear (and cheer!) as we announced Shell, Express Pay, and Hertz perks. Today, we’re excited to officially launch our partnership with Shell to drivers nationwide, and to give you insights into our progress with Express Pay and Hertz.

Shell: Big Savings at the Pump

Starting today, all Lyft users can enroll with Fuel Rewards® program and start saving at the gas pump! In San Francisco, Chicago, and Boston, we’ll be testing tiered Fuel Rewards with select groups of drivers. Under the “Drive More, Earn More” program, the more you drive on the Lyft platform, the more you save. Lyft’s power drivers could earn as much as $3.00 off per gallon – and entire free tanks of fuel. Drivers nationwide can save $0.25 per gallon in Fuel Rewards savings for their first fill-up, while we refine the tiered program to eventually bring it nationwide. There's something for everyone. People can redeem their rewards simply by typing in their personal pin code at the Shell pump.

If you pass by a Shell station, you might also notice some new decor that isn’t just for the holidays. Lyft signage will be featured at more than 1,000 Shell stations across the country, from Seattle to Miami and nearly 15 other cities in between. Current car owners filling up at the pump can also enjoy fuel savings – and a new way to supplement their existing income – by becoming Lyft drivers themselves. Eligible new drivers can earn up to $200 in fuel savings.

Express Pay: Instant Deposits

To help power our drivers through the holiday season and beyond, Express Pay – a payment product that lets drivers cash out instantly – is live across the country! In the weeks since Express Pay launched, the response from our driver community has been overwhelming. More than 30% of drivers on the Lyft platform have used Express Pay at least once, depositing more than $11 million in earnings. We hear from drivers every day that Express Pay has made a huge impact in their lives:

"Express Pay is awesome! Such a help at the holidays ... the immediate gratification of getting paid driving the same day keeps me switching Lyft on."
- Scott, Orange County driver since September '15

Lyft is the first and only ridesharing platform to offer instant payouts for drivers, giving them the same flexibility over how they access their earnings as they have over their schedules.

Hertz: Cars On-Demand

You don’t need to own a car to be a Lyft driver. Our pilot program with Hertz enables people to flexibly drive on the Lyft platform regardless of their car ownership status. In the last two months, our Hertz pilot program has enabled people to give thousands of rides and earn more than $150,000 with Lyft. Currently in Las Vegas since September and Denver since November, we’ll expand our Hertz partnership to more cities in 2016.

We’re excited to celebrate our strongest year yet with our drivers and are dedicated to continuing to deliver trailblazing programs like Shell, Express Pay, and Hertz. There’s much more in store for Lyft in 2016, and we pledge to continue to be the company that treats you better as we change the face of transportation.

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