Wednesday 10 June 2015

#MoreGoodDays with Nashville Driver Natasha

Natasha Young was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, shortly after helping her mother battle leukemia. As her own health came into question, Natasha relied on her parents to support her through her own treatment.

They settled Natasha into their home, supporting her every minute of the day: through meals, appointments, and even downtime. “They had the most comfortable recliner set up for me,” Natasha says, laughing. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without them.”

Now in remission, Natasha knows firsthand that everybody needs a support system, especially those living with cancer. Through #MoreGoodDays, Ford Warriors in Pink® is donating up to 10,000 Lyft rides to breast cancer patients in need. Natasha's paying it forward, too: When she’s not working full-time at her local bank, Natasha’s on the road with Lyft.

“It doesn’t matter if they’re just sitting with you in the car, not saying a word,” Natasha says. “ Having someone there for you makes all the difference. That’s the secret.”

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